Absolute basic linux command-line skills

Absolute basic linux command-line skills

Hello everyone, another day another article, here we go again

There's not gonna be a huge introduction because the title is self-explanatory, let's just get into the juicy stuff:

  1. cd

CD stands for change directory, it used to... well, change directories.

ex: cd Desktop

  1. ls

it used to list all the contents of the directory

usage: ls(yes it's that simple)

if you really want to dig deep then use: ls -la

  1. touch

it is used to create files

ex: touch something.txt

  1. mkdir

it is used to make directories

usage: mkdir programs

  1. cat

This command is very interesting and there's a lot you can do with it.

but it is mainly used for adding or reading files

ex: cat something.txt

and to add two(or more) files: cat something1 something [and so on] > newfilename

  1. nano

it is a text editor, not much to say

  1. Vim!!(lol just kidding , no vim but something better for sure)

I have listed all the basic things above, but if you want to learn more and dig deeper the man command is your friend.